Alternate energy sources.


Do you think you cen power a whole grow op with a wind mill? Or a few solar panels?? And if so how big of a grow op?


Well-Known Member
Im interested in that too ive seen a video on you tube and a guy was powering a big room with a bunch of 1000 watters with all solar power..


Well-Known Member
It would be an investment. HD carries solar panels that are $350 and 250watts.

$1400 per 1kW ... but it will definitely pay off.

There are modules that rotate with the sun as well, in order to maximize efficiency.
It would be an investment. HD carries solar panels that are $350 and 250watts.

$1400 per 1kW ... but it will definitely pay off.

There are modules that rotate with the sun as well, in order to maximize efficiency.
So what you're saying I could only run one 1000w on 1400$ damn lol


Well-Known Member
i know for a fact to power a 4 bedroom 2000 sq ft house it would cost about $60,000 in solar panels. there are tax deductions available for using solar panels.

or you could try this method



Well-Known Member
u can power the whole thing with a windmill

they have units up to 10kw a hour a 5kw a hour would do it for most ..........................just rem when u are doing this the state is allowed on your land any time to inspect the gear to make sure it is up to code

in my area a 2kw mill will pay for itself in 3.2 years after rebates and all that the cost out of pocket is about 5000..............but to do this u have to feed into the national grid

use this and u will get the numbers u need to make your choice