Alternating light source??


Well-Known Member
I am stoned and think too hard sometimes;
but what if I hang two hoods side by side
1 with 400 metal halide and the
2nd with 400 HPS
and I alternate them hourly during Flower??

would it increase or decrease yield?

has it been done?

I have seen them used together in Flower but not alternating?



New Member
I dont see why not.

You might confuse the ladies a bit with the frequent changes in light spectrum.
whether its enough to cause anything negative, i dont know.

But i have moved plants indoor and outdoor in my early days and that did result in hermies.


Active Member
they might get a little shocked too with the lights turning off every hour wouldn't you think? HID isn't an instant fire up they take a few min to warm up, and you'd have to turn off the first one before you can turn on the second one. That and you'd need perfectly synchronized timers to pull that off.


Well-Known Member
Thank You all for replying!

you mean finish flower with metal halide?

I have not heard this, it sounds interesting.

I have dual ballast so I can just switch bulbs.

would this work to increase resin production on all plants,
or is it a trick limited to a type like Indica or Sativa?

I only just learned that the flower period should be finished with a 72 (I think?) hour period of Darkness.

this is my 1st time growing indoors, I have never controlled the lighting, G@d has.

I just flipped my whole veg to 12/12 to find out the sex of my plants, plants are aged from about 30 days to 48 days old.

My tent is in the mail and I am getting ready for my first flower.

My veg has 20 plants in all are, they are three different groups of bag seeds.



Well-Known Member
+rep Greenbuds!
going to research the light change during flower online and see how much the switch is used by growers.
