Am I doing anything wrong or is there anything wrong with this? (pics)

I germinated 5 bubblelicious seeds with the paper towel method and they all cracked within 24 hours. I put them in the soil (light warrior) as soon as they cracked. I've watered them once right after i put them in the soil until the water came out of the drainage holes. i put them 1/2" down in the soil and i put them in my bathroom in a cabinet in complete darkness. it's been 2 1/2 days and nothing has happened. the soil is still pretty moist. the humidity is around 75% and the temp stays around 64 degrees. i was just wondering if i'm doing anything wrong and when is the next time i should water or i'm just being impatient haha let me know if i can do anything different, advice would really help right now. thanks RIU

the cabinet stays shut and the lights stay off.

and the humidity stays around 75% and temp stays around 64 degrees


Well-Known Member
I usually toss them under 24 hour cool white flouros right away. They don't need darkness.

Your temps are a little low for seedlings. If the tap root was exposed when you planted them, you should see the seed coming up after about two days or even sooner.

Put those mo fos under some light and warmth - 80-85 degrees - and if they don't come up within a couple days, move some soil and see whats happening.


Well-Known Member
That's alright just put them under some LIGHTS & that temp is low just like CokeyoDrips said & you really don't need to water again till the dirt starts drying out


Misguided Angel
You onlly need to keep the top of the soil moist at this point. Just moist not saturated. I just use a spray bottle and spray once they have dried up. Don't over water! That can be just as bad as under watering! I have killed more than a few plants with too much kindness (water).