Am I Doing It Right So Far?:dunce:


Here is a close-up of my prize seedling (of the four i grew, SHE is the biggest and strongest yet, very strong stalk, green leaves).

My question is, a second set of leaves are starting to come out from the center. I take it this is a good and healthy sign of growth? Please comfirm with any comments you might have.

I'm first time grower, I have no idea what kind of plants these will be, but It's fun!:dunce:


Active Member
I noticed you are calling the plant a "he", start referring to it as a female right now and you'll have much better chances of it actually being a girl! (use the force)

it looks healthy regardless. And, of course, new leaves are new What else would they be, silly?


This is one week after transplanting and some interesting things are going on. For example, my second set of leaves is purple at the base-center. I dunno what this is, if normal or not.

Any other advice is always appreciated, not matter how harsh.

Also, I received my Fox oceanic soil today and will be using it soon, should help quite a bit.

