Am I F@#ked?! Need Help Soon!!


Active Member
I don't know what is going on with my plants. In the past couple of days they've been getting droopier and droopier. One looks like it has no life in it. I did just notice today a small tanish longer critter on it though... Tiny as hell. Are these little shits my problem possibly? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!



Well-Known Member
ppms of ferts?
water? (ro, tap, distilled)
frequency of feedings?

gotta give info to get answers.

when in doubt flush em out



Active Member
The soil is BioBizz Light mix, mixed with some miracle grow shit from what I got them in... Temps are about 80-82. No idea what the ph is... Water is filtered tap. Light is 600w HPS. Feed every 3 days 32oz of water. When you say flush, what exactly do you mean? Just give shit tons of water until it runs out the bottom for a while?


Active Member
I had this problem when water ran out doing hydro, if you have been watering them enough something is stopping them taking the waterin, could be ph???


Well-Known Member
Gimme a close up pic of the foliage if you can. Often there will be tell-tale signs of critter damage. Then you can get a miticide or what you may need.....


Active Member
im guessing its your ph then mate, try and get it between 6.5 and 7.
ive just bought a cheap ph pen for £40, they are a must. good luk mate.


yep need more info

could be over watered under watered
could be ph problems
could be to strong mix of nutes or not strong enough
i would say maybe to hot for them and flush them is when you put ph water thru them from a ph reading of any where from 5.5-7.0,i would water every 2 days,and how strong of nutes you putting thru ppm?


it looks like ph problems or some dyficentcy some one will know your plants are big enough to spring back:peace:


Well-Known Member
Do I see spots on the leaves? Are there holes in the leaves too?

I would prune away the foliage from the inside and bottom of the plant. Keep the leaves from resting on the soil. Indoor lighting will not bud any sites down low and the low growth is stealing energy from the "money" sites. Pruning also will help with air flow and keeping the soil clean reduces pest infestation.

Do I see spots and holes?


Well-Known Member
looks like a ph problem to me... mg is pretty hot stuff could be an overfert problem depending on how much you put in, if its time released and whatnot.

get a ph meter and get back to us


Do I see spots on the leaves? Are there holes in the leaves too?

I would prune away the foliage from the inside and bottom of the plant. Keep the leaves from resting on the soil. Indoor lighting will not bud any sites down low and the low growth is stealing energy from the "money" sites. Pruning also will help with air flow and keeping the soil clean reduces pest infestation.

Do I see spots and holes?
im sorry ramblerpimp i have to disagree with taken foliage off the plant and check the underside of the leaves for little mites runnig around


Well-Known Member
It looks like it's drowning. Is your schedule based on actual soil moisture levels? If not, different growth cycles use differing amounts of water, so a veg schedule may not apply to a flowering plant.


Well-Known Member
yep need more info

could be over watered under watered
could be ph problems
could be to strong mix of nutes or not strong enough
i would say maybe to hot for them and flush them is when you put ph water thru them from a ph reading of any where from 5.5-7.0,i would water every 2 days,and how strong of nutes you putting thru ppm?
C'mon drifter. Nice post. You forgot "may or may not be related to global warming".

Here's a hint: soil grow. you would water every 2 days? hmmmmm. good plan. not.

Rollitup has too many people give advice who don't know shit.

I have had similar grow challenges. Have you? Really??


C'mon drifter. Nice post. You forgot "may or may not be related to global warming".

Here's a hint: soil grow. you would water every 2 days? hmmmmm. good plan. not.

Rollitup has too many people give advice who don't know shit.

I have had similar grow challenges. Have you? Really??

mate take a chill pill for fucks sake.grow the fuck up


Active Member
I agree, unless u have experenced the problem or know how to help him,
dont just throw wild guesses at the man!


Well-Known Member
mate take a chill pill for fucks sake.grow the fuck up

Mate this bongsmilie

Don't give bad advice. And don't discount a valid direction of troubleshooting.

Grow some weed and then maybe you should give advice after you have experience yourself, "mate".

Oh, and go fuck yourself.