Am I Good? Need Help And Legal Advice.


Well-Known Member
So I was at a party far away and had my car parked at a friends house, we were picked up and went to this chicks house. We drank some and i got a ride from a sober friend back to my house. The only problem i realized was my car was at my friends house so i decided to walk their which was about a mile. Once i got into the neighborhood my car was at i had my wallet fall out of my back pocket in a persons driveway.
I went the rest of the way to my car and drive home. The next morning i realized i lost my wallet an asked my friends to look for it. Well two days later ( yesterday) I had a cop show up at my house and he wanted to talk. He question the hell out of me and asked why my wallet was in this persons driveway. He put me in the back of his cruiser and drove to where it was. Meanwhile my mom whom i living with over the summer is asking what this is about and he wont answer. He asks me if i do drugs or drink and what im doing with my life.
I tell him the honest truth and i ask him if a house was broken into or something. He says yes and that the house that i left the wallet at had called the cops because their neigbors were out of town. So we drive back to my house, and his is being a cocky bitch the whole ride. I told him to take finger prints or whatever he wants cause i didnt break into any house. HE told me he has been a cop for 23 years and he knows what he is doing. So we get back and my mom is sitting their and i told her he the cop said the house beside where my wallet was found was broken into. He replied " no i didnt" I was like yea you did you just told me that and now your lying to my face and moms
again he says no i didnt. Well after a little speech about how he thinks im a liar he hands me my wallet and says well if the house is broken into your the number one suspect.
My question is what should i do if he comes back? Should i refuse to answer anymore questions without my lawyer present or what? What do you think about all this?


Well-Known Member
are you serious? i have never been in any trouble with the law at all, i havent even gotten a speeding ticket... the goes for my entire family as well. I also live in a 5000 sq ft house and plenty of money, there would be no reason to steal anything. I have everything i want. I told him to take fingerprints or look if anyone has a video camera. But the thing is i dont think there was even a break in he was just lying to me for some reason?


Well-Known Member
dont talk to cops or believe anything they say. i am probably violating the first rule right now :-P.