Am I over thinking this?


I have been growing weed in my garden with my tomatoes and corn for more years than I care to say. This is the first year I have ever had to buy seed. And I spent some money, more than I could afford. So now I have these 8 little seedings (little girls of course) and they are on day 10 and growing like weed grows, FAST. It will soon be time to pot them up into their 10 gallon pots and it's the soil that is making me think too much. I have been an organic gardener for more than 20 years, I make my own compost and I have used this compost in my my grow pots for years. I never thought twice about it, my weed always did great. I don't grow in a state where it legal so I rarely let them get over 4 feet tall, but I always get good bud and I have never had any major problems. But now with the expensive seed i am worrying about my compost. It's full of earth worms and everything is loving it, I am not concerned about it burning anything. My concern is the Nitrogen content, I have horses and my compost is manure, leaves, straw, garden clippings etc.... it hasn't seemed to afffect them in a negative way before but I am super paranoid about them not budding good after I spent all that money!! Can I add something to my home grown soil and compost mixture when the time comes to ensure that all the nitrogen in the compost doesn't screw up my buds? Or will it?? I dont think it has before but I didn't really think about it before. I just saved my seed through the year and planted them in the garden in their buckets and harvested when the time was right. Yes, there's more to it than that but you know what I mean...AM I OVER THINKING THIS???
It will soon be time to pot them up into their 10 gallon pots
So what soil are they in now?
They are in the soil that I make for them every year. It's just soil I bring in out out of the woods and mix my compost in it.
I have never had a PH higher than 6.8 and it almost always tests at 6.5.
Welcome to RIU,
Your soil should be fine if it is the same as you always run. Keep it organic and you won't need to micro manage your feedings. Use teas as needed along the way. other than that, just plain clean water. Top dress with your compost when necessary and enjoy.
Welcome to RIU,
Your soil should be fine if it is the same as you always run. Keep it organic and you won't need to micro manage your feedings. Use teas as needed along the way. other than that, just plain clean water. Top dress with your compost when necessary and enjoy.
That's what I have been doing for years just some horse shit tea occasionally during growth and pretty much nothing during budding, except water. It's always fine. I have been reading up though, never too old to learn.
In short YES you are over thinking this.

If you’ve been successful before with seeds (presuming found in bags etc) there is absolutely no reason why you won’t be successful this time.

the only reason you doubt yourself is due to spending money on seeds this time.

rock on buddy and do what you’ve been doing.
Oh yes I have been reading some of the overthinking on here. Some of these folks don't always play nice.
I don't think the compost is too hot, it's full of living things. All kinds of earthworms and such. It's also in my vegetables and flower beds and they're all great. I worry about too much veg and not enough bud because of it being made of mostly manure and grass. That's what has me worrying and thinking too much. Like should I take special pains to add more of the P and K during budding? Will the N in the compost cause veg to go on too long? Or hinder my buds by putting too much energy into leafing?
I have a limited amout of seeds and they were expensive, well to me anyway. Feels kind of redundant to worry about it this many years into it, but I never had acutual money in my homegrown before either!! It has always been one of the bonuses of being an old pothead.
Well, live and learn right?? I will never be so damn smart I can't learn a thing or 2.
Please peopel feel free to teach an old dog new tricks.
In short YES you are over thinking this.

If you’ve been successful before with seeds (presuming found in bags etc) there is absolutely no reason why you won’t be successful this time.

the only reason you doubt yourself is due to spending money on seeds this time.

rock on buddy and do what you’ve been doing.
Yep it absolutely is. I have ZERO bag seed this time. First time EVER. I had 8 seeds that I couldn't afford in the first place. Yes, this has caused me some angst. I have 8 little beauties growing great. I'm trying to realax and enjoy the scenery, it's changing daily. They grow so fast.
Yep it absolutely is. I have ZERO bag seed this time. First time EVER. I had 8 seeds that I couldn't afford in the first place. Yes, this has caused me some angst. I have 8 little beauties growing great. I'm trying to realax and enjoy the scenery, it's changing daily. They grow so fast.

Be thankful you’ve got 8 from 8.

I’ve got 2 out of 7 this time around lol.
Yep it absolutely is. I have ZERO bag seed this time. First time EVER. I had 8 seeds that I couldn't afford in the first place. Yes, this has caused me some angst. I have 8 little beauties growing great. I'm trying to realax and enjoy the scenery, it's changing daily. They grow so fast.
Glad to hear, just don't helicopter them and you'll be fine... Grow on...