Am I safe to assume she’s not an Auto?


Well-Known Member
Some information about the plant:

Breeder: Oasis Genetics

Strain: Crystal Widow Auto

Age: 57 days old from sprout aka 8+ weeks

Medium/nutrients: coco coir/perlite amended with Gaia green 444 and a little 284, worm castings, and mycorrhizae fungi

All of my other auto’s (4 in total including this one) were in the same tent under 2 marshydro TS 1000 leds, with on track flowering early around week 3-4, but this one just hasn’t shown signs of flipping..

Am I safe to assume it’s a photoperiod, and top dress the soil for another month of veg? This way I can properly LST / super crop without worries.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to review/reply!

