am I spending too much money

I'm a huge fan of amazon and I will be getting most of my grow things from there.
600 watt hps w/ air cooled hood, $170
pH balancing liquid stuff (for water) $14.55 (not so worried about that because a little goes a long way.)
6 inch ducting, $20
hydroponic inline fan with carbon filter (6 inch) $130 (I chose this because it's advertised as "quiet.")
Indoor humidity/temperature, $9
4x4x6.5 grow tent, $117.

This adds up to about $460, including shipping and whatnot. Is that too much money? Any tips to save some $$$? That seems like a HELL of a lot for a beginner/novice. Especially when that's not including soil, nutrients, and containers. Well... the containers will probably be around $30 for several from walmart so that's not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
Better buying it pieced out like you are doing, as opposed to buying a "kit" where they charge you for bundling everything together. Anyway, seem like decent prices to me.


Well-Known Member
it seems about right to me.
getting all the equipment is expensive,but worth it in the end.
does the 600 watt hps w/ air cooled hood include the ballast?
also what about a 4 inch intake fan,to blow fresh air in,plus fans for circulating the air inside the tent?
I'm getting an el cheapo fan from walmart, a garage sale or my parents. That will range from free-$30. I was thinking of using passive intake, since the room itself should be in the basement and already be quite cool.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting an el cheapo fan from walmart, a garage sale or my parents. That will range from free-$30. I was thinking of using passive intake, since the room itself should be in the basement and already be quite cool.
Sounds like a solid plan. With a tent that size, and an air-cooled hood, you shouldn't need active intake. Just gotta make sure the ambient temp in that basement stays cool enough.


Well-Known Member
Stuff does add up! I get most of my stuff off amazon as well. I got this fan:

if that is the one you are getting I'd get one of these as well:

You can dial the fan down to the exact speed you need to maintain proper temps and humidities. I'm in a cool basement as well and at full speed the room would be too cold, dialed down to half speed where I need it you literally can barely hear it 5' away.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting an el cheapo fan from walmart, a garage sale or my parents. That will range from free-$30. I was thinking of using passive intake, since the room itself should be in the basement and already be quite cool.
u need a pair of clip on fans in your tent ............i think the hydro farm ones are like 25 bucks each


Well-Known Member
LOL you guys.

1. Are you sure about doing a big grow for your 1st? 600W is quite a lot. not saying don't, if you have the space and arent going to get raped in jail for it.

2. You could build a lot of this stuff yourself very easily if you are even remotely DIY minded for like a quarter of the price or less. I built my carbon filter and tent with zero tools for example.
I buy a ton of stuff off of craigslist... Great deals, if you know what to look for.

Haha, trading is a good way to collect equipment as well... Most of my current equipment 4' parabolic hood excluded were traded.


Well-Known Member
LOL you guys.

1. Are you sure about doing a big grow for your 1st? 600W is quite a lot. not saying don't, if you have the space and arent going to get raped in jail for it.

2. You could build a lot of this stuff yourself very easily if you are even remotely DIY minded for like a quarter of the price or less. I built my carbon filter and tent with zero tools for example.
I would hardly consider a single 600w a "big grow"...Would you recommend they start under CFL's? I started under CFL's...sure wish I had started with something like a 600w HPS instead...

And I DO agree that the grow tent could be made for about 35 bucks, but not everyone is a handyman. That being said, I've never bought a grow tent, and make mine out of PVC or 2x3"s and panda poly.


Well-Known Member
I definitely agree. Amazon is where I shop first usually. They have the best selection and pricing over all. Buying a package from one vendor SHOULD be less costly but greed runs deep.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I'm a huge fan of amazon and I will be getting most of my grow things from there.
600 watt hps w/ air cooled hood, $170
pH balancing liquid stuff (for water) $14.55 (not so worried about that because a little goes a long way.)
6 inch ducting, $20
hydroponic inline fan with carbon filter (6 inch) $130 (I chose this because it's advertised as "quiet.")
Indoor humidity/temperature, $9
4x4x6.5 grow tent, $117.

This adds up to about $460, including shipping and whatnot. Is that too much money? Any tips to save some $$$? That seems like a HELL of a lot for a beginner/novice. Especially when that's not including soil, nutrients, and containers. Well... the containers will probably be around $30 for several from walmart so that's not a big deal.
1) If you are buying a bulb, ballast and air cooled hood that's a little cheap. Light is almost your #1 factor prioritize spending there.
2) Hydroponic inline fan with carbon filter. If you aren't in flower you can just buy the fan now and a filter later. What is your FAN cfm that needs to be matched to the volume of your grow area.
3) 4x4x6.5 grow tent. I have had very good experience from Secret Jardin this is what I would recommend.

So in summation, this isn't enough information to really help you. The products you are purchasing are not created equal. So we actually need to know the products not the product category IE fan. The difference between a Max Fan Can Fan and a tiny inline booster are worlds apart.
More information please, hth,


Well-Known Member
Habitat for Humanity has stores. people and stores donate household items and they sell them so the have cash to do what they do. great organization.