Am i watering too much?!


Active Member
Hello, I am new to this forum however have been reading it for years. Just so you guys know i am very knowledgeable about growing marijuana as i have been reading for YEARS... I also have the bible.

anyways to my question.......

I have white widow seeds i purchased from a netherlands seed bank which are about 2-3 inches tall. All growing at slightly different rates. (Germinated 4, 3 came up). Started them in peat pellets and now transferred the pellets into small starter containers that the roots can grow through. I know i am not supposed to water too often but can someone give me a rule of thumb as to how much to water or somethin. I know the dry top soil rule but its hard to tell as the peat pellets are only like a cm down under soil... i put soil under and on top of the containers about 2 cm.

Also please let me know if something looks off... 400 watt metal halide/hps conversion (metal halide right now). its about 3ft above seedlings.



Active Member
wanted to add that i have been watering via a spray bottle from hardware.. i have been watering like twice a day and i hear thats bad but every time i touch the top of the soil it seems pretty dry... i try to keep it rather moist to the touch whenever i think about it i spray it a few times


Well-Known Member
lol just wait for them to dry out feel at least 1 inch into the soil if its still moist leave it but if dry water.


Well-Known Member
i dont know very much at all im trying to get this down i even got good seeds online came in 6 days i was impressed but anyways i know about moisture meters. i was looking at buying one at the local hydro store for like 10 bucks no joke it did moisture ph and one other thing. but im blazed and cant think of it.


Active Member
sry i was really baked when i typed that i got way too into it... i was just tryin to figure how to tell when to water when the peat pellets are in those containers basically... cuz it kinda makes the "feel the topsoil" way obsolete...


Active Member
those pots are the kind that the roots can grow through.. so i imagine i wouldnt need holes? I just always get the feeling that i am overwatering so it scares me. Topsoil feels dry all the time tho... maybe because pots are so small i guess...


Well-Known Member
Home depot has a tri meter probe that takes moisture content, soil pH, and it has a thing that shows how bright your light is on a scale of 0 - 2000. Good luck

Tom :joint:


Well-Known Member
when they are very young spray the soil with a spray sure not to spray the plant or it WILL TIP OVER AND DIE...i have had 1st hand expierence with that..when they get older water it 2 times every 3 days..towards the end of the flowering stage spray the plant itself..the roots tend to fail to bring in water towards the end of the plants life