Amatuer with 1 question.


Hey guys I just have 1 question for the masses out there. Im at day 19 with Lowlife Auto ak47 (fem). Im using 2 2ft (20w/ea) flourescents with the Agro bulbs just for sprouts and seedlings. I am at a crossroads on which MH/HPS combo I should get. 250w or 400w??? Ive heard the 400w can run very hot, and the 250w just isnt enough for the AK's big build. Someone please help, the plants are getting to the point where the flourescents are just to weak i think. Any advice would be great. Thanks and smoke it up!!!!!!!! :weed:


Active Member
i reckon you should go for the 400w simply because you can use it for flowering aswell, however floros should gve enough light through out the whole veg stage as long as you have enough of them


Well-Known Member
use the 400watter with a nice air cooled reflector, i have the sun system euro 6inch vented hood and with my stanley blower hooked up sucking the air out of the room thru the light i can get my plants about 6 inches from the bulb and not worrie about burn, altho i try not to let them get that close.


Yea I was leaning towards the 400w set-up, I found a nice digital, mh/hps balast 1 with a good reflector. I have good ventillation my closet is right near the windows and I have a 8-inch in/out combo fan. I am only growing 1 plant at a time also, ill try to get some pics up soon. Ive been reading alot about LED's, and even though there expensive there very efficent. I read that a 90w LED (UFO's are nice!) gives off more/better light than a 400w HPS. Do you guys think it's worth the $600 investment????? I do.


Well-Known Member
i hear there great for veging and keeping mothers alive, but as far as flowering everyone still says hps is better. but thats just what i hear. i wont know untill i test them out my self.


I have heard that MH or HPS can be upplemented with floros of the opposite wave length to help in both stages. if the floros were positioned somewhere in the room and the had bulbs putting out light more towards a "bloom spectrum". I don't see how it could hurt. I have also read UVB light supplement is the bees knees.......