AMMJ cultivation question


Active Member
I have heard from someone that if the police come to your legal medical grow and you get arrested, they weight the roots, stems, leaves, and wet buds etc, i.e. they weight everything that is plant matter.
I seem to remember that somewhere in the rules it says "USABLE MARIJUANA" when it comes to your weights.

What is the truth? And in what part of the AMMA can i find the info?? I tried to find it but had no luck

Any help is appreciated:)
i know historically they normally include the weight of the entire plant, same with dry stuff they will weigh everything including the packaging. but you bring up a good question, im not sure if they've been doing that differently since the amma passed but I'd think they'd have to, since it does say usable in the law. i've also wondered how it would work if you're carrying the exact max amount that you're allowed to, but the cop says you're over cuz of the packaging (patient buys 2.5 ozs from dispensary, they weigh it out the right way without the bag, but then the pig weighs it WITH the bag and says it's more than 2.5 oz)
Hopefully you are never put in the position to show cops your legal medical grow, but if the above scenario occurred, any lawyer worth their weight in salt would be able to get those charges dropped if you were within your plant numbers.

Pretty sure one wet plant is gonna put you way over 2.5 ounces, so if you are legally allowed 12, how is any jury/judge going to convict you on that.
Hopefully you are never put in the position to show cops your legal medical grow, but if the above scenario occurred, any lawyer worth their weight in salt would be able to get those charges dropped if you were within your plant numbers.

Pretty sure one wet plant is gonna put you way over 2.5 ounces, so if you are legally allowed 12, how is any jury/judge going to convict you on that.

Agree with this.. Cops can arrest you for whatever they want , it probably wont hold up in court and any lawyer can get you off but by the time that happens the fuzz has already destroyed your shit and made your life suck for a little bit...