Amnesia lemon barney's farm and chocolope blimburn seeds


Well-Known Member
Whats up mobo! I got them in canna terra pro with canna vega nutes and a bit of rhizotonic


Well-Known Member
Wats up every 1 so got up this morning and my whole house smelled like coffee caramal toffee, stuck my head in the grow room and DAMN!! These girls smelling like there a few weeks in flower! Got no carbon filter picking up 1 in the next few days!! These girls got me nervous been through half a bottle of pin-o clean and a full bottle of eucalyptis oil to no avail.


Well-Known Member
Hey wats up, always had good results vegging with hps so never seen the point to waste the money on all lights + they grow super quick


No stretching ? I always hear guys saying they stretch begging under hps well in that case I think I'll try what your doing they look great!


Well-Known Member
Hps bulbs are well balanced these days with more blue spectrum available, i have never seen any stretching using hps they always stayed short and bushy