An American in Peru

Hey folks. I've been posting on here a teeny bit so I thought I'd officially introduce myself.

Names Andrew and I'm an American living in Peru. I moved here two years ago due to the economic conditions in the states, among other things. I teach English now. I have some plans to maybe open a business here soon. I'm 21.

I like smoking pot too! And I'm trying out my first grow right now. Click to see.

If you guys got any questions or what have you about Peru, let me know. It's an awesome country and you should totally come down that much I can say for sure.

I gots cool pictures to look at when baked too!

Anyway nice to meet you all.


Well-Known Member
I'm intrigued. Post pix. I'm planning on retiring outside of the US and would like to see what it looks like where you live. What subject do you teach? Horticulture by any chance? Lol
If anybody wants to get on my Facebook just send me a PM thru here, all the pics are up there.

Dannyboy I highly recommend checking it out here. The country is doing great and improving every day. There are plenty of safe areas, I've never had problems where I live and I'm in a non-gringo part of town.

The city can be a little rough around the edges but it's fun and there's a lot to do. But there are plenty of quieter places in the country if you want. Peru has exotic jungle places to beautiful mountain towns, and of course a great coast.

Your money will go far too although prices have been rising steadily due to the strong economy.

Let me know if you got any questions, send me a PM for my FB.
yeah it's just a lot of pix. I mean from the coast to Cusco to the Amazon I have a lot, and to post it all on here just seems like too much work you feel me?