An interesting problem to have, "Am I growing ornamental ground cover?"

Growing 3 different variants in my tent, under Solar Storm 400 (very nice LED light, way better than my previous light, ProGrow 400). 2 of the plants are in DWC, third was transplanted back into soil, because the seedling just never got into DWC. Still in veg mode, 24/7

All 3 are doing great, I must say I have never grown anything that looks so healthy, food plant or otherwise. But an interesting problem, or maybe it's not a problem:

I have a Big Bang plant, that is absolutely loving the DWC setup and lighting, BUT, the plant is so compact and low...
P2162170.jpg age? That's hard to say, since this is my first DWC grow, and there was a learning curve. Didn't lose any plants, but took a while to figure out the right water level and nutrient levels. Let's say this is about 45 days ( my record keeping has been a bit lax on this grow).

There is lots of inner growth on this one as well, very soft and lighter green, still very healthy though.

Should I be doing something different to get this baby taller? Or just let her be? Right now she is only 4" over the top of the net pot; root mass is fantastic:


Active Member
Plants stretch when they lack light and "feel" they need to get taller to outcompete whatever is blocking the sun. Yours feels nice and secure so it concentrates on building the root mass (nice roots btw) and creates lots of large leaves with short internodes. I think that's the perfect situation for an indoor grow since only first 30 cm or so of the canopy recieves enough light to be productive.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good. Out of curiosity, what are you using as the medium in that net pot? Growstones?


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking of trying them out since they look like they would be easier to clean for re-use compared to hydroton. Plus I hate all that dust that comes off of new hydroton. Growstones just seem cleaner I guess.
They still have dust, and still require cleaning after, so not sure there would be much difference. Only thing I can offer is that Growstone are easier to stack up in the net pot, to cover over holes so that light doesn't get into the water.....