and you should 420 2


Active Member
from today and for the rest of my life everyday im going to plant seeds in every yard i can. i plan on going block to block house by house. it would help if a couple 100 or 1000 people did it also. what do you thik?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I bet you give up/forget about it after a week
hahhahaha funny shit!

I like your idea, but i dont think you should use peoples yards, i think you should find other places, feilds, parks, public/corporate places, no need to get idiots in trouble.


Active Member
i wont forget, and im planting every seed i get somewhere out where the world will see it, wanna make the news i can see the headlines now {weed growing every police give up fight}


Well-Known Member
getting the masses to get out and plant lots of plants?? thats an excellent idea on soo many levels!! Far beyond the fraction of a % of time that those seeds would turn into

doobage..... +rep!


Active Member
reps jlh you see it could be an big eye opener for some folks. if you woke up and seen clones in every hard on youre block and you didnt have 1 what would you do?


Well-Known Member
I remember the movement where everyone was to throw seeds on every off ramp at the same time...Sounds like a good idea but what are you really trying to prove?

Grow your own and be done with it.


Active Member
if its every where what can they do? cant pay gov workers fulltime so they wont pay city workers to go all around the city to up root even if they tried they couldnt it would be common to see weed growing out in the open. think about what we can do we have to ban together and change the world 420 r bust. go now my son plant. dnt think throwing seeds will work


Active Member
boneman i wanna grow for the world not just myself.. dnt be an ass go plant sum grass

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I understand your theory and i am down, only problem i dont have any seeds with shitty genetics and im not willing to throw dank seeds in random spots to see if they will grow..

If i ever buy another bag of shwag(which honestly i dont see it) i will take every seed and thow it all over the place on 420. Their was a pic on this forum of some guy with over a million seeds, if i was that guy i would throw those fuckers everywhere!


Active Member
some of our friends here on this site should help the us people with seed least really cheap prices


Active Member
You know, this is one of the best small, revolutions, I can get behind.

More plants mean more filtering of Carbon Dioxide, more clean air, and more highs for all. lolz

I will join in and plant some "lesser" quality seeds that I can spare. Just imagine if more and more people did this every year. Pot would be everywhere.

Viva lil 420 revolution!!

(man I am stoned. lol)


Active Member
smart man mooby thanks most people i tell look at like im dum. us great thinkers are always missunderstood


this is something ive always hoped to try one day. i was thinking of planting amidst some flowers in front of a housing development sign or something. somewhere where there are already other plants being tended to so i wouldnt have to water it myself. i got a BUNCH of seeds in some free schwag the other day, time to get planting ;]


Active Member
I have always been an environmentalist and support any organization that plants trees, but to be honest, I never thought about pot or hemp. They would be much more beneficial in the short run.


Active Member
just think if all smokers got into groups based on where they live it would be happing all over and we can even seem like saints to the media if any1 gets caught just say it going to keep happing intill people can get free meds no one should pay for something god gave you.