Another "first time grow, how do these look" post


New Member
I've got 20 sprouts from bag seed growing in organic potting soil I bought from Walmart. They're in 16oz styrofoam cups with holes in the bottom. Drains well. In a 4x4 grow tent with door open and fan blowing cool air in. Temps around 85, and I'll be getting an inline fan this weekend to properly vent this with the door closed. Under a 400w MH bulb (it was given to me free, no flouros yet) about two feet away.

So my concern is that my seedlings don't seem to look as healthy as other pics I've seen. Leaves are droopy on some, overall they seem a bit lime green color to me. I'm not sure if these are traits from poor bag seed or not. Was just hoping I could get a little advice as to how these are looking. Seems to be taking an exceptionally long time...these are three weeks old and I seem to think others are much farther along than me by this point.

i attached a couple pics of the ones that exhibit the imperfections I'm talking about. In the pic, the first two real leaves that sprouted got that pinched look right off the bat, but it's still growing.



Well-Known Member
They look overwatered but otherwise fine. Except that third one, dunno what's going on there.


New Member
Thank you. I figured I was a little paranoid...and definitely suspected overwatering. It's just so hard to feel the heat of that lamp on my face and not give the plants a little drink! I will restrain myself going forward.