another hermie problem =(


Active Member
I bought clones from a local store and never paid attention for hermies. I'm in the 5th week of flowering and found these. I popped a few and no seeds just the hairs and some had a small white/green ball in the sac.

no light leak and the only stress has been weather change with rain outside.

any comments or comforting would make my night better. i've put alot of time into this grow to be bummed out. i took far and close up shots. :wall:



Active Member
2nd that... She's all woman.

Nice grow by the way.
Whoa...I have a plant that isn't as far as this one but it has what looks to me like little seeds growing from it as well. There's only like 3 or 4 in total and they look fairly similar to the pics from the OP. These are swollen calyxes? Never heard of this b4, I would have said hermie for sure!


Well-Known Member
if its not a hermie how do you explain the-" popped a few and no seeds just the hairs and some had a small white/green ball in the sac." guys?


Active Member
Not sure what happens when you grow from clone but if you grow from seed, if left long enough a female plant will produce these as pre-flowers even when left on an extended light shedule.

The cylax are just swelling as the plant matures.


Active Member
if its not a hermie how do you explain the-" popped a few and no seeds just the hairs and some had a small white/green ball in the sac." guys?
Sorry but i dont see ANY male reproductive organs, no male flowers, no pollen, no seeds.

Unless Op corrects me as far as i can tell the only issue is the swollen cylax


Well-Known Member
that is true, I see no male organs and it doesnt look like a hermie but explain the white/green ball part- I've never seen that in any of my caylxes that didnt produce seeds.


Active Member
that is true, I see no male organs and it doesnt look like a hermie but explain the white/green ball part- I've never seen that in any of my caylxes that didnt produce seeds.
I dunno and without seein it for myself i wouldnt like to say but i cant be a seed unless the plant has been pollinated, its possible one of the other plants has hermed and spread pollen but it seems unlikely.


Well-Known Member
if its not a hermie how do you explain the-" popped a few and no seeds just the hairs and some had a small white/green ball in the sac." guys?
So he popped them and DIDN'T find seeds but DID see the white hairs,and that means it's a hermie???News to me.But seriously though in those pics there is not one pollen sack.
Those are the calyxes that show up during preflowering.They always mature faster than the rest.


Active Member
thanks for the help and info everyone. I'm still a newb and just got worried and trying to catch any problems ahead of time. I always use the search button and google because I know how board members can get a little mad about repeat posts and questions. i feel the love here tho!

good looking huh?? and stoner 1984, once my light comes on in about 1 hr i'll get some pics of the little ball i'm talking about. maybe i'm just smoked out =) stay tuned!

Oh yea very nice is this your first? Rep!
This is my second grow and i have a 3rd started two weeks after so I'm juggling between both. I'm going to take more pictures and post some info on the setup. i surprised myself on my second try, thanks mang.


Active Member
No hermie there...
thanks! also i love your trailer idea. someone told me they were growing in an industrial building. i told them to be careful because the fire marshall can come in. he had a great idea to use a trailer in the building. that way if the marshall wanted to come in for an inspection he could just hook up the trailer and leave for the day. i'm glad you are thinking of different ways to grow, good luck.