Another PH problem thread. (Hydro)


New Member
So. I have this GHE Waterfarm (ACS and everything is connected together, same water on every pot) running and ye it works and all, but that god fukken damn PH creeps up 6.5+ what ever I do. Its my first time on hydro and I'm scared that Ill soon burn the shit out of those roots if ill keep adding more ph down.
What happened today explains it quite well:

Ill notice brown spots, ph is 6.7.
Time to change water.
Buys water from store so it wont be about that tap water bullshit.
Makes shitloads of ph 5.1 water.
Waits couple hours and makes sure its 5.1 water.
Replaces old water with 5.1 nute water.
1h and its 6.6
adds ph down until 5.2, 1h and 6.7 again
adds more ph down until 5.2 again, 1h and 6.6 again
freaks out and comes here to type this stupid cry out.

But like what the hell am I suposed to do? I soaked the hydroton for weeks before using it so this wouldnt happend, I cleaned up everything, covered the base so no algae.
But no, once in my god damn life I cannot have my shitty grass coming without this bs.
Any suggestions or do i just chug everything out of the window. The little ones are drooping 2x more after I started to fix the water so I don't frigin know.