--Another question prior to harvest--

I am going to cut the lady down tomorrow morning. I understood that the soil should be as dry as possible before harvest to reduce drying time. I was gone this weekend and watered before I left. Checked it out this morning and the soil was completely dry to the point that the leaves had drooped and kinda wilted. This happened to me one other time and I watered and they perked right back up. My question is...

Should I water it and let it go another day so the leaves are nice and perky for harvest, or cut it down with the droopy/wilted leaves?

Also, will this perhaps be beneficial in tricking the plant into thinking its dying, therefore causing it to try to reproduce but instead maximize THC production?


Well-Known Member
you can't trick plants... they simply react.

drying out the medium will place the plant into a drought situation. in that type of situation, one of the ways the plant prevents water loss is to produce more trich's. more trich's = more potency.