another wierd question...

so i almost burned my plants with too many nutes, so i flushed them with hella water to get out the nutes and now the plants are drooping from the water. its been a day now and the leaves are all perked up except for the newest grown leaves. you know like the smallest ones? they are the ones that are drooping now. is that normal after a flush?? i'll take any help or suggestions. thanks

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You had burn, and you flushed. You can't do anything but wait now.

The plants will come back and be perky soon.


Well-Known Member
Your fine don't worry about it. Plants just got to much water, so easy with them nutes. Just leave them be and DO NOT WATER again untill the top 2 inches of soil are dry, or the pot is way light when you lift it. Just to much water so take it easy.
