
Active Member
I need advice on how to knock out the ant Colony, and the aphids with them... For pesticides I have Green cleaner, NUKE EM, amazingdrzymes tomorrow I want to use nuke em at 8 oz for a 15 gallon mix... last time i used nuke em i used 16 gallons in a 2 gallon atomizer and I burned my plants so I def dont wanna do that again... anyone who has experience using NUKE EM PESTICIDE please lmk I like the product just dont wanna burn my plants by doing to much... also with nuke em pesticide & fungicide does anyone know if you need a wetting agent with it ?


Well-Known Member
I need advice on how to knock out the ant Colony, and the aphids with them... For pesticides I have Green cleaner, NUKE EM, amazingdrzymes tomorrow I want to use nuke em at 8 oz for a 15 gallon mix... last time i used nuke em i used 16 gallons in a 2 gallon atomizer and I burned my plants so I def dont wanna do that again... anyone who has experience using NUKE EM PESTICIDE please lmk I like the product just dont wanna burn my plants by doing to much... also with nuke em pesticide & fungicide does anyone know if you need a wetting agent with it ?
For the aphids I suggest yellow sticky boards to begin with. If you have a serious infestation, you can set a board up next to your plant, shake it, and they will swarm to the yellow sticky board, (sometimes) ants use ant killer.


Well-Known Member
Try a physical barrier for the ants. Tanglefoot works well. If in pots put it around the rim, if youre growing in the ground wrap a piece of tape around the base of the plant and put it there.


Well-Known Member
To kill ants on my property (fire ant hills) I used a product called Amdro. It's good shit. The ants take in into their hill and feed it to the queen. It slowly kills her. It takes a minute but that is required to get past the defenses of the worker ants. Anything fast acting will kill workers and they will not feed it to the queen.


Well-Known Member
Simple solution I use is just a few bowls with 1:1 ratio of canola oil and soy sauce.

Anything attracted to the soy will go for a swim, and the oil prevents them from getting out, also clogs everything up for them and they drown/suffocate instantly.
The next morning there are hundreds of ants/earwigs/japanese beetles/etc. in the bowls.. and just dump them and redo it if needed.. I do this every couple of weeks for a few days at a time and theyve knocked down the ants colonies where I havent seen any for weeks while ive been looking for them.

Its been super cheap and effective.


Well-Known Member
I need advice on how to knock out the ant Colony, and the aphids with them... For pesticides I have Green cleaner, NUKE EM, amazingdrzymes tomorrow I want to use nuke em at 8 oz for a 15 gallon mix... last time i used nuke em i used 16 gallons in a 2 gallon atomizer and I burned my plants so I def dont wanna do that again... anyone who has experience using NUKE EM PESTICIDE please lmk I like the product just dont wanna burn my plants by doing to much... also with nuke em pesticide & fungicide does anyone know if you need a wetting agent with it ?
If out door its getting late to spray that nasty shit just hose them off aphids do not climb up on a plant they are born there from a flying adult.


Well-Known Member
I’m having some aphid Problems too on one plant this year.

this time I have used captain jacks dead bug, neem meal, insect frass, diatomaceous earth, released lady bugs, and lacewings. I also add crab and shrimp meal to further help deter pests.

I have/had a very minor infestation. But I’m ocd so I go with the kitchen sink method. Plus I’m not ok with spraying harsh stuff on my buds. I spray For caterpillars a couple times and tea a few times then nothing for the last month+.