Ants in my pots


Hi guys
Where i live we get lots of ants they come for the water apparently and are every where in my pot plants around the house and they do get into the house as well. Well today i went into my tent and gave a little water and saw a few starting up in one of my pots, has anyone ever dealt with this will they be a problem how have u dealt with it. god damn ants going to do my head in im only 3 days in. there where only a few in there ATM but if its any thing like what happens outside it could turn ugly. I was going to get the house sprayed professionally but there mite be an easier option.


Well-Known Member
Ants aren't going to be that much of problem, unless they set up shop in one of your pots. That's not good for the roots. I get ants bad every year too..And I swear by this stuff.I's cheap, and IT WORKS. I usually just put down a few drops wherever I see the first couple.. They flock to the sweet Syrup like stuff, and bring some back to their beloved Queen for supper. Once she fills her belly, she dies.. Then so does the whole colony without anyone giving them orders.

Naw, really though.. This stuff works awesome.



Well-Known Member
toro ant baits.. its clear and cheap. works like a charm. put a couple drops in or around the plant and the ants will eat th stuff take it to the nest and kills the queen.. its a sweet sugar like poison so no animals ..


Go to and read the ant article. One thing I can tell you is ants will not cross water, so if you can figure out a double dish system where the outer dish holds water then the ants can't cross over to your plants. :) This works excellent for keeping them out of pet food ddishes too!
I had this same problem, I had ants all over my grow room and I covered the floor where they were coming in from and the soil in my pots with... Cinnamon! apparently cinnamon is poisonous to ants! Worked for me hope it works for you


Thanks for the reply's, saw the ants this morning and freaked they stuff my chiili plants all the time I went and bought some baits straight away and put around hopefully that sorts them out before they get comfy and set up shop. Mite give that cineman trick a go if I start to notice to many of them.

Thanks again.