Any advice...2weeks into flower...


This is my first grow. I started with 3 plants and ended up with 1 female. I just started flowering (12/12) almost 2 weeks ago. I'm excited, but as a newb I'm worried I'm screwing something up. Everything looks decent to me, but any thoughts on how she looks would be helpful. I'm using (3) 40w (125w equiv) CFL along with (4) 23w (100w equiv) CFL. I'm using MG bloom boost (I know ppl are gonna bitch, but it's the only thing at Lowes that had any decent nute ratio.) My main worries are 1) the leaf tips are curling down. I'm not sure if the lights are to close and its heat damage. I have a fan blowing on her which can't be seen in the pics. 2) I only have her in a 9.5" pot and I'm not sure if she'll get rootbound while flowering. Is it ok to transplant while in flower stage?? 3) The fan leaf stems are red/purple. Is this ok? I've read different things...some say it is lacking potassium(K) and some say it is ok... The water I'm feeding her has a pH of about 6.8-7. I know I should get it lower. Is it ok to lower the pH with lemon juice? Again...I've read different opinions on this. Thanks everyone


Active Member
Looking decent, might want to move the lights an iota farther,
not much though cfls don't have much penetrating power.
How often are you feeding her? And how much are you watering her?
The top leaves look droopy more from over-watering than heat stress, you'd have clawing not just drooping of the leaves.


I took the pics about 20 min before the lights went out and they tend to droop that way at the end of the day. I moved the lights back about a half inch to an inch on the sides. I'm limited with raising them. I might have about another 4 inches to raise on top. I'm using a moisture meter (1-10 scale) to determine when I water her. I wait until it reads @3 which has been every 2-3 days lately and I'm giving her @ 32 fl oz. per watering (a Gatorade bottle).


Well-Known Member
It's not entirely clear to me but that pot does look to be too small.

Purple stems, yellowing and curling leaves can mean root bound. I would get the transplant done asap. Just be gentle.