any advice on hydro???


here's what i included...8 days from a clone that is currently in soil and now in the flowering stage...questions?? tips and or advice??? comments in general??? thanks everyone. Maybe i'll start a journal sometime when i get things situated....



Much much much much much much more light
more light you say??? what type of light would you suggest with what you see in the pic...i like the set up so if i don't have to change too much, that would be cool...those 3 lights you see are F17/T8/GL 24'' "grow lights"...anything else or just....much much much much much much much more light???...thanks kooooooookie hahha...monsta....kiss-ass


Active Member
jesus.. where to start...first off no offense but are you serious?

if that was all that i had in the world...... and had to grow with what you have there i guess...... i would shoot myself.. no just kidding...

those three florescents will grow your clone until you can get better stuff but .

1. get your self some peg board and zip ties and attach all three lights on the peg board with the zip ties so they are all level and equally spaced..

then hang the board on some light weight chain with s hooks so that you can raise and lower your invention and so that it will hang level.
that crooked dangely thing you got going on is an accident waiting to happen... like falling on the plant crushing your clones and catching the floor on fire...and burning the damn house down..

2.what are you doing? is that just water in a bowl and a air stone bubbling in it? guess that would be considered a primitive example of passive hydroponics.ha ha ha

3. that clone looks damaged by nutrients what are you feeding that little thing.

if that was a clone you really want to keep and that is all that you have available.... shit can the hydro idea and get some promix or some good peatmix soil and pot that little thing in some soil. and pray....leave it alone dont feed it dont fuck with it just keep it moist not muddy not dry just moist.. for a couple of weeks ... then get some botanicare grow or something and start feeding it 1/2 dose nutrents to try bring it back and get things moving...

you are going to have to get more lighting after about 2- 3weeks of growing under the little florescent...

that just a fact weed needs at least 400 watts to do anything.if you dont want to ad lights... keep it under the florscents until spring and put it outside ... no light no weed.....

.its going to suffer and probably get sick and die if you leave it under that low light thing your trying for m ore than a few weeks but thats its only shot at becoming anything other than dead rope....

my advice use the florescent to grow clones and seedling
buy a 600 watt for veg and 1000 for bloom .
if you want to grow weed do yourself a favor.............

buy the book indoor/outdoor medical growers bible marijuana horticulture by Jorge Cervantes barnes and noble about $20 or so
read it espically the section on hydroponics... I grow in hydro and it is NOT anything like what your trying to pull off.....
prepare to spend money on hydro thats all there is to it..... if your on a tight budget hydro is NOT for you.....

good luck my friend

we all start somewhere man, dont let that guy ruin your parade.

You can grow one plant with what you have but you have to understand that what you have is just the beginning step in a long journey, right?
More light is a must, larger container with the soil/medium already ready to go.
Its already ready,

Grab a book in amazon called Jorge Cervantes Indoor/outdoor grow bible. Thats an excellent tool and a decent book as well (lol).

Good luck and ask plenty of questions.


Well-Known Member
As long as it's growing white roots you should be fine. Almost all clones look pretty fucked up till they get their roots fully in. Like someone else said you might want some more lighting.