Any Attitude suggestions?


Active Member
Hello all! This would be my first grow. Box grow 5x2x2, hoping to fit around 12 CFLs, and 90% decided on soil as my medium. I have done my research and what not, even read Greg Green's bible. But I am looking for suggestions on a strain Attitude carries, definitely high THC levels and very resinous. And as long as it doesn't take 14 weeks to flower I don't mind that! Haha thanks.

Peace, Love, Weed


Well-Known Member
There are a thousand threads where people are asking the exactly same question as you.

Just read one of those and pick at random. For the first time it doesn't really matter.


Active Member
There are a thousand threads where people are asking the exactly same question as you.

Just read one of those and pick at random. For the first time it doesn't really matter.
If it didn't matter then I wouldn't be spending my hard earned money! Thanks for the advice but I have looked at a lot of those threads already. Picking at random isn't my style. You don't know my ideas or plans so for the first time, for me, it is important I have a high quality strain from a reputable breeder. Thanks for the reply though.


Active Member
Actually I would suggest considering one of the "variety packs" ... Ya typically pay 30 bucks or so and get to try several variety.. Thus will typically be something like an Indica or a sativa or a mix.. + you usually get 1 2 or maybe even 3 keepers..(or all junk..) But it is the trying of the different genetics that typically helps us find that special one.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
If it didn't matter then I wouldn't be spending my hard earned money! Thanks for the advice but I have looked at a lot of those threads already. Picking at random isn't my style. You don't know my ideas or plans so for the first time, for me, it is important I have a high quality strain from a reputable breeder. Thanks for the reply though.
If your money is that hard earned, then why just throw open a broad question in a forum where you'll likely get a different answer per every post?? Everyone has favorites - so ten people recommend 10 favorites, then where are you? - the same place.

Dude, grow some cahunas, then get a pack of any 8 week flowering female seeds from any of a dozen or more reputable producers. Any 10 minute scan of this site should give you all the direction you get busy, and when you pick and plant, report back.


Well-Known Member
start your first grow with regular bag seed and during the grow period read the grow journals and smoke reports to narrow down your target then when you get familiar with the grow cycle consider ordering branded seeds

good luck