any body got any opinions about cloning of a clone


I have la confidental growing indoor and have some plants about to turn to flower and no longer have my mother plant if i was to cut some clones of these clones wil my strand become week?
I personally don't have any experience with F4's or deepers but I know my third generation acid plants were my highest producing. I have asked this question myself and reasearched it a bit, it appears many smart people- including Subcool, dont believe in genetics getting any worse from generation to generation SO LONG AS you are taking clones from a healthy plant every time.


Well-Known Member
I know an old head that's been cloning the same plant for over a decade. There's been a couple of mothers but not many from what I understand. I'm pretty tuned in with him and the only varies I see are from grow to grow. Not any deep loss by any means, if I burned one with you, you would be nice and toasty.


Well-Known Member
the hundredth clone will be the same genetic makeup as the original, it is the same plant. it came from a plant that came from a plant that came from a plant................ people will say they get weak over time, but what it is is the person can build a tolerence from smoking the same strain.


Active Member
Your clones are all a genetic copy of the same plant this quality does not degrade from getting cloned.