any buddy know what this could b from


Well-Known Member
Tin foil tend to create hotspots and reflect more heat than light. you should remove the foil and just paint the room/area pure white or put in some mylar. mylar best white second best. both good

other than that looks good :). You know strain or just bagseed?


Active Member
ok sounds good im looking for mylar like the car windshield sun blocker thingys lol an im only using 115 watts of cfl an im in 12/12 waiting to see sings of bud :)


Active Member
so i should wait about a week before i water again right??? or till the soil is almost completely dry


Well-Known Member
just water when it feels right. in some time you will get a hang of it :) now you know how much is too much :)


Well-Known Member
how old is she? was the soil you used rich of nutes?
i usually strart giving nutes after 4-6 weeks from last repoting. start out with about 1/4 of the recommended dose and gradually increase it.


Well-Known Member
you mean brand? well there are lots of good brands. myself i use Bio Bizz since its 100% organic and i have great results. But i like synthetic nutes aswell, i got very good results with Gold Label A+B Soil + i like thats its concentrated so it lasts for ever.
growing organic is a bit more expensive unless you can make your own compost :).


Active Member
ya im making my own now for the coming up clones ill b growing the same kind someone on here said that it looks like soras or saro or something like that who knows
it looks like it is being over watered to me maybe a little of a nitro diff due to the yellowing of the oder and bottom leaves. but yes as stated before foil is a horrible thing to put up in a set up it does create hop spot on the leaves which can in turn kill the plant. also what kind of nutrients are you using, and also why ar u using a 12/12 if you are in veg stage you should be running more like a 18/6 light cycle.


Well-Known Member
isolated chlorosis and necrosis..........hmmmmm. remove those leaves, may be diseased. use good hygiene when handling plants. monitor this shit. its scary lookin'