Any chance for an MMJ card?


So here's the deal, I turn 18 tomorrow and I was thinking about getting, or atleast trying to get my MMJ card. I have depression and went to a therapists for 4 years about it, there he also treated me for anxiety that he diagnosed himself. I also have insomnia but I'm not on pills for it and my doctor doesn't know either. Reason being, I think my parents would think I'm BSing them or something like that and they like to come up with their own reasons. And for all of this, I smoke marijuana (illegally) and it helps me with all of it. I really don't wanna smoke my medicine illegally anymore. Any ideas on what I should do or how it would go if I went in for a recommendation? Thanks. P.S. I'm really nervous about it all cuz I don't know if my therapists records would even work for my depression and anxiety for support to show I have it.


Well-Known Member
some places dont even ask for ur records i think you will be fine dont stress........some ppl dont even have their own doctor and therefore dont have any medical records but they still get their cards...