Any...dusting methods?


Active Member
probly sound like an idot bongsmilie but just wondering if theres any good methods out there to dust off ur plant?


Well-Known Member
why would u want to do that? Shake it? blow it? If you were set up properly you would have a fan and there would be no dust. Hell, i have only an exhaust fan and i have no dust. Except for thc dust hehehe


Well-Known Member
ewww i hope they arent flowering, its guna be like impossible to get off dust stuck to resin, i hope this isnt PM

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
I think even with a fan and proper circulation it may be possible to get some dust, especially if you veg for a long time. I would use a damp cloth if shaking alone will not remove it. Never had a dust problem myself.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
what's wrong with a simple feather duster or a disposable swiffer duster thing? if they are in veg just give 'em a good spray.

i've also never had a dust problem. you might want to look into why there is dust settling on the plants in the first place. sounds like the air doesn't move. you should fix that. the origin/reason for the dust should be of more concern than the dust itself.


Active Member
and for for those saying "eww" what about outdoors.. u think mother nature is "clean" no shes a dirty whore!


Well-Known Member
and for for those saying "eww" what about outdoors.. u think mother nature is "clean" no shes a dirty whore!
ill take outdoor all day over dusty indoor bud. dust: "human and animal hairs, paper fiber, components of soil, skin cells, pollen, clothing fibers, food particles and smaller amounts of many other materials found in the house. Dust mites feed on the organic particles in dust and can also cause heath issues such as asthma and allergies. These tiny creatures excrete enzymes from their stomach to digest their food. This combines with the feces and deceased corpses of other dust mites to become a component of household dust" yeah im good on that.