Any End in Sight??


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I am coming in to week 8 of flowering. Had this girl outside all summer, but because of weather getting cold and wet and damp brought her inside to finish. I have 2 plants in flower at the moment. Leaves have just started yellowing but to me she seems a long way from harvest on the visual. I have a scope and have check the trichs... Seems to be like the one that has been in flower indoors all along is progressing faster than the plant that was outdoors. Here are some photos as of today of both plants:

Oct. Harvest.jpgMom shot.jpgOct 6.jpg
Above photos are of my outside plant which is going to finish indoors:

And these pics are of one of the clones I took from her.. she has been in flower since September 17
[/ATTACH]Top clone.jpgClone Bud.jpg

Any comments as to how long I may have with them would be appreciated. Just from scowering these threads and looking at other photos I am thinking 3-4 weeks for the Mom at least. Puts me into almost NOVEMBER! I don't have much smoke left either......



Well-Known Member
Oh, and she smells like grapefruit or lemon... very nice smell... to me anyway. Not skunky at all. I got her as a clone and while it had a tag on it that said "brain" I have yet to find anything online with what her genetics may be. She's bushy, but I LST'd her early on in prep to bring her indoors.