Any expert?

peace all

Active Member
I'm not sure what to do now???? i have a room that is 4meter in length, 2.5m width, and 1.90 height. wall and ceiling covered with reflective building foil which prevent heat from outside. a window anti-bacterial A/C. 2 adjustable HID 75w hanging vertically within 50cm between them. 2 adjustable(150)w grow light(1 red, 1 white)hanging horizontally 50cm apart. at the corner, i have 400W HID on 1.50m table aiming at the middle, standing fan, and small window.. now that i got power plant, top44, Shiva,and AK47 seeds( 10 of each) and going for soil grow.i;v search and learn about it all. my Q is, whats the maximum #of plant i can place in there? do i got enough lights? and whats better for HID400w light, to keep the glass cover or remove it. i really hope for an answer before i screw up. thanks friends.


Well-Known Member
I agree with WM. A good book is a really good idea also.

As far as the glass goes I would leave it on. If/when the bulb busts its not cool to have it shower your plants.