Any Green Cleaner Reviews out there?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just bought a bottle of green cleaner hit the plants for the first time last night looks like it killed the small amount of mites that I had discovered yesterday. I am I'm curious if anyone else had used this I dont find very many helpful reviews online so if anyone has any advice or has used it I would greatly appreciate the feedback.

Background: I have four plants outdoors, grown in the same location for last 5-6 years pictures are posted below. the two in the back are Tahoe OG from DHN nursery the two in front are Bubbas fire also from DHN. I use botanicare nutrients all the way around. I was being proactive with neem oil but still ended up with the mites somehow. I am hoping this green cleaner works out well, so far so good I have to hit them again in another day. I am just starting my fourth week of flower, but the product says you can use it all the way up until harvest. And after spraying last night and inspecting the plants this morning there is absolutely zero smell left over from the spray. Plants smell exactly the same with no residue or lack of stickiness, appear the same as before I sprayed (minus the mites) .
Thanks everyone, haven't posted on here in a long time looking for some advice thanks in advance.


Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
Hey GDP - sorry to see you haven't gotten replies from others, maybe you're blazing a new trail. Let us know how it works for you.

I'm assuming you mean "Green Clean Spider Mite and Powdery Mildew Destroyer". I read conflicting info regarding how close to harvest you can spray. Some did mention that you can use right up until harvest, while others said to stop using in early/mid flower. Another person mentioned that it has both sesame oil and alcohol which IF TRUE would make me not want to use it during flower. You'd hate to have your trichomes rinsed away along with the mites.

Again, my apologies for not having a more concise answer, but I'd definitely consider it IF I could find more definitive info about what's actually in the product.