any help secret room 2ft thick cement walls


Active Member
never really a reason to post BUT ,,,we have just purchased a home with a hidden rm that is roughly 70 sq ft(7x10) with 7.5ft ceilings ,been an outdoor grower for yrs but now I have the indoor space I have always wanted/needed but what is the best way to maximize the room and get the most out of it ,I am a dirt grower as opposed to hydro (just always done it outside ) anyone have any pics or anything I am more of a visual learner as opposed to reading. its probably the weed and the ADHD
hydro seems easy enough heres some links of what I was thinking ... re=related

would like to do some blueberry and my lady is still looking for what she wants LOL

Im thinking 2 400 watt MH and 2 of the same HPS
thanks wanna get this started asap
like I said any pics or info on how to best set this room up so I can get 2/3 lbs every 2 to 3 months of some knock you on your ass ganj
its an old sistern so I have 3 ceramic pipes I can use for air in and out you should see 1 of them in the pic if it loads
I will try to attach a pic of the room ,its a mess now but will clean up nicely



Well-Known Member
it sounds like u have the right idea... those 4 400's will do nicely. will it be one big 7 by 10 flowering chamber or will you have to partition off some room for clone shelving? if so, just do like a 3 by 7 for the shelving (18" shelves x3 plus some room to stand in front of them... 3 flourescent fixtures on each shelf - 4 ft 2 bulbs) and the other 7 by 7 area can be the flower chamber. good luck.