Any help with how to go about this would be appreciated.

I found out about a friends mom who had a lung tumor. They have a few months to live. I was not supposed to know, but found out. I did some research on google because I was curious, and it said that marijuana helps cut down on lung tumors. I can't link, but google "marijuana lung tumor", and you will see. I don't have medicinal marijuana in my state, so no doctor would suggest it. How should I tell them to try it. I would hate a death.


Well-Known Member
Let them know.

Knowledge is power. Hopefully she will not be like my father in law and not smoke because of social stigma and die a painfull death.


Well-Known Member
You might mention that they need to stop listening to the government, and start looking out for themselves........if they turn their nose up at it.


Active Member
Be polite, because really its not your buisness if you werent supposed to know...

just be like,

"I heard about such and such and I really know It's not my buisness, but I'm just so sad about it I thought I needed to see if I could help... I did some research and found this - It seems like it could work, and I know marijuana is illegal but it can benefit sick people, I mean if you don't believe me I think you should do some of your own research and come to your own conclusion about this... Sorry I got into this but I just couldn't stand by watching..."

along the lines of that