Any idea on what’s causing this????


Well-Known Member
You've checked to be sure there are no pests under the leaves? Roots look white and healthy? What did you start them in? Are they in rock wool cubes under the rocks? If the stem or roots immediately at the base of the stem are staying saturated wet all the time, that can cause damping off on the base of the stem. It just turns mushy on the stem and dies. I had that problem before on hydro grows, especially with clones/early veg in rockwool.


Well-Known Member
You've checked to be sure there are no pests under the leaves? Roots look white and healthy? What did you start them in? Are they in rock wool cubes under the rocks? If the stem or roots immediately at the base of the stem are staying saturated wet all the time, that can cause damping off on the base of the stem. It just turns mushy on the stem and dies. I had that problem before on hydro grows, especially with clones/early veg in rockwool.
Hi mate cheers for the reply the only thing you said that might correlate is that the roots are fully submerged. I lnow there should be a gap from root to water but there isn’t so do you just suggest removing some water and see how i get on? Cheers


Well-Known Member
In DWC the roots need to be submerged in well aerated water/nutrient solution, but the stem of the plant and the very top of the roots should not be submerged or continuously damp all the time. When you're in the early development stage you have to get the roots to develop long enough so they get to the water with the water slightly lower than the bottom of the net pot.


Well-Known Member
In DWC the roots need to be submerged in well aerated water/nutrient solution, but the stem of the plant and the very top of the roots should not be submerged or continuously damp all the time. When you're in the early development stage you have to get the roots to develop long enough so they get to the water with the water slightly lower than the bottom of the net pot.
Got that mate i have a 60L per minute air pump which is way more than enough for the size i do have roots out the bottom so I’ll just lower the water level to just below the net pot an see how i get on


Well-Known Member
Gunna change the water as no signs of improvement. Anyone got any other ideads as to what this could be only additive in there other than a+b is silica