Any ideas for post operation?


Well-Known Member

I got some kief and taking small puffs so I don't cought. I bought some butter but I made too much stuff for the amount so it's weak.

I'm thinking about going and buying some RSO oil, wish I could trade my oxy's for RSO.


Well-Known Member
DAM BRO, THAT'S LOOKS FUCKING GNARLY!!! What happened? Based on your username & the pen marks on your head I assume you had a tumor removed??? Either way I'm glad your still with us as that definitely looks life threatening. I would also second the notion to take small light hits so you don't cough too hard, I imagine that shit would hurt like hell. I remember one time I was at the river & the rope swing I was on suddenly broke & I ended up hitting the back of my head on a rock, almost TKO'd me, needless to say my head was throbbing so what does my dumb ass do, I took a FAT RIP off a blunt & coughed my lungs out, for about an hour my head felt like it was in a vice, this was just from a bump on the head so yea I suggest you take it easy for a couple weeks or so. As for trading oxy's for RSO, if you have real Oxycontin & not that time released Opana crap I know MANY PEOPLE who would trade you, won't be able to discuss it here though so if your interested PM me your email. Well take care of your self, get better & stay medicated.


Active Member
Avoid paying for RSO unless it costs less than 5/g, its made from trash trim and iso/acetone (its cheap, nasty stuff as far as concentrates go). And definitely dont try to set up an oxy trade online, thats too risky, even if you need medication. If your location is accurate, there are a lot of dispensaries/coops in the seattle area that, if you ask for some trim to make RSO/hash/whatever, will take one look at that scar and give you a garbage bag full so you can make some hash. You may even be able to get some concentrates/hash for free.

Your best bet, if you dont want to go to random dispensaries begging (I understand the feeling), is craigslist. Tell the truth, and put up that same pic, and you will get a flood of donation offers, Im sure. If you were near me I'd give you some myself. Just avoid mentioning the oxy and esp any trade offer, or you will get flagged. But you'll be surprised how many responses you get to a legitimate request for medication on CL.

For that type of pain, if you have a choice, try something Sativah dominant or pure, and oral is your best bet for pain relief. Taking your herb and making limonene tincture or concentrating to oil/wax will help you dose precisely, and stretch your herb.


Well-Known Member
SMMA are good people. Ask em what they suggest for pain. Get some Ace of Spades seeds while there.