Any ideas on treating cervical cancer ?

oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
What's up RIU, been a couple years but I'm trying to do some research on treating cervical cancer with RSO, any info at resources would be greatly greatly appreciated.
I appreciate it buddy, the misses has been having some problems and got checked out again today and was told to be ready for a Cancer diagnosis, lady said it was visually concerning. One thing that stinks is I live is a state that's not cool with bud yet, good news is I've been growing in the shed out back for a couple years and grew in the spare room for years before that so I'll be making the medicine, luckily Im familiar with making rso already but now I'm gonna have to re focus and get back on my game.
The only treatment(s) I've heard of consist of surgery/radiation/chemo. So very sorry about this misfortune. I've always told my kids when growing up , that there are problems and then there are REAL PROBLEMS . so much suffering and pain .
Actually we have been finding success stories with RSO and panicure, working on changing the diet already and are gonna look into everything we can, but she did get it confirmed today so she will be setting up an appointment with an oncologist that was recommended to us, I mean she is healthy for the most part, lol it's fucked up but I honestly thought I've just been long stroking it and thought that's why it hurt for years lol
The Facebook group "C.K.C." is dedicated to information about using cannabis to treat cancer. I don't agree with everything they say, but there is some good information and some good success stories there.
She really isn't wanting to do chemotherapy or radiation, we are using RSO suppositories and taking fenbendazole, along with changing her diet completely and a bunch of other protocols.
While its none of my business, and she can do what she wants, but double blind studies, which are the only ones that are based in science say Fennnnbendazole doesnt work for cancer treatment.
Febendazole in maximally-intensive regimens did not alter the growth of EMT6 tumors, or increase the antineoplastic effects of radiation. Conclusion: These studies provided no evidence that fenbendazole would have value in cancer therapy. Fenbendazole is not licensed for the treatment of cancer in humans, there is no correct dose that is supported by research.

Id do what the Dr suggests, and not screw around, and let it spread. Cervical cancer has a very high rate of survival ( 91% ) if caught early, and follow standard medical procedures. If it spreads, it has a low ( 16% ) rate of survival.
I wouldnt want to do radiation, or chemo either, but if the Dr said I should, I would do what the Dr says. I wouldnt mess around with treatments that didnt pass double blind studies.
Like I said. It none of my business, and she can do what she wantss, its her body. But shes playing with fire, and wasting time she may not have. Once it spreads, the outlook is not good.

I wouldnt believe anything done by, or sponsored by the manufacturer of fenbendazole.
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Look into the joe tippens protocol. We are not looking into anything sponsored by a producer of the fenben, there are also a bunch of groups on social platforms dedicated to people it's helped, my wife also has a master's in since so it's definitely been and is being researched.
Double blind studies say it doesnt work. What does her Dr say about fenben?? The Oncologist is a PHD.

Liike I said. Not my business, but the science so far doesnt support the usage. And the invitro studies I saw were all injecting it, and it was used in very very high doses.
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My wife was diagnosed with stage three, two years ago, inoperable. She did everything Drs. said, chem/radiation. I also provided her with plenty of RSO, which helped immensely. Whether for pain, appetite, nausea, it does help. So far she has clean bill of health, prayers your way!
All drs. Encouraged the use, but as above comments, they don’t recognize it as a cure all
Im all for RSO for nausea ect.

Fenbendazole as a Potential Anticancer Drug - PMC

These studies provided no evidence that fenbendazole would have value in cancer therapy, but suggested that this general class of compounds merits further investigation. But fenbendazole showed no theraputic benefit.

Johns Hopkins found that Mebendazole a sister drug to Fenbenzole will only slow tumor growth at best.
At best, the drug will slow tumor growth,” says Riggins. He and his team are looking to pair it with other drugs. They expect that their formulation of mebendazole may also slow tumor growrh in pediatric cases. I believe they are experimenting with this drug with radiation treatments.
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