If you are wholesale its the retailer who makes the big money, which means you wont make as much as you think giving it to them... I doubt it would cover costs. If you can find a dispensary that will pay you big money for your pot then MORE POWER TO YOU! Go for it! Sell it to them! But dont expect them to last long or buy more as they wont turn a profit. Especially with all those peopel who planned to move out to cali and grow pot for dispensaries which they have no ownership of. I wonder how many of them are swimming in money today. No offense, but at best you could give away your extra for free to dispensaries and hope your work is sooo good that they will pay normal wholesale prices next time around if the quality is just as good. Most dispensaries would never open their doors unless they already knew where to get their medicine cheap many months before they even opened. I'm sure they'll help you get rid of your waste but unless they have no busines sense dont expect to get 50 an ounce or any high prices like that.