Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, is there any other way of dispersing chlorine out of water rather than letting it sit for a day. Any info on any methods or chemicals to do this would be much appreciated.
Chloramine can be removed from tap water by treatment with superchlorination (10 ppm or more of free chlorine, such as from a dose of sodium hypochlorite bleach or pool sanitizer) while maintaining a pH of about 7 (such as from a dose of hydrochloric acid). Hypochlorous acid from the free chlorine strips the ammonia from the chloramine, and the ammonia outgasses from the surface of the bulk water. This process takes about 24 hours for normal tap water concentrations of a few ppm of chloramine. Residual free chlorine can then be removed by exposure to bright sunlight for about 4 hours.
SOURCE- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChloramineHome brewers use reducing agents such as sodium metabisulfite or potassium metabisulfite to remove chloramine from brewing liquor as it, unlike chlorine, cannot be removed by boiling (A.J. DeLange). Residual sodium can cause off flavors in beer (See Brewing, Michael Lewis) so potassium metabisulfite is preferred.
Chloramine can be removed from bathwater and birthing tubs by adding 1000 mg of vitamin C per 75 gallons of water. Human-grade nutraceutical vitamin C reduces the pH of the water less than commercial tablets sold for this specific purpose.