Any problems?


Well-Known Member
What are specs on strain, grow media, nutrients, feed/water schedule, ph, RH, temp, lights?


Well-Known Member
Its 2 months now and i use all nut and food system that i was learn it here but i want to know when to use the 12/12 light with 400w hps light
That depends on your size constraints. With only one plant, I would train it out so the canopy covers 2'x2' before flipping to 12/12. I'm not sure how intense the light is with what you've got set up now, but i'd guess that 400w HPS is going to give you more light than what you've got it under now. I would go ahead and put it under HPS and train the canopy out.

When switching to new light, be mindful of light stress. Give the plant enough distance from the HPS so the light intensity on the canopy is about the same as what it's used to. Then move the light a little closer each day, until it has as much light as you want to give it.

Good luck! :peace:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Its 2 months now and i use all nut and food system that i was learn it here but i want to know when to use the 12/12 light with 400w hps light
You can switch now but flowering won't begin until your plant is mature enough to produce the auxins necessary for flowering. So far your plant looks good. Keep up the good work. Also if you can afford a good light now would be the time to buy it.