Any tricks for lowering humidity?


Active Member
Hey guys. I ordered a fan and ducting but it won't be here for a week. In the meantime, my humidity shoots up to 90 every night when I shut the tent up. I know it's really bad to have no airflow but I was wondering if there's anything I can do while waiting waiting for my stuff to arrive. All advice appreciated.
Don't shut it!


Any vents you could leave open just for passive airflow?

Maybe some desiccant might help, but really you need humid air to be replaced with less humid air via ventilation.
I have to shut it cause I already started flowering :-( (but only 2 days ago so hopefully not too much damage done yet)

Maybe I could open some of the vents and stick in some kind of makeshift tube or ducting that would allow air but not light
It isn't a perfect solution but just before your lights switch off open up your tent as much as you can, vent all the humid air out. Also try and rig up some passive ventilation using the vents that doesn't allow light through.
I have the same problem but my humidity was no where nears as high. Not wanting to cash out on a dehumidifier, I looked into a few options to pull the moisture from the air.

- leaving out a bowl of rice, rock salt or baking soda

For now I just leave the tent open as much as I can while the lights are on and it's working so far. Found a cheap dehumidifier on CL I plan on getting soon