Anybody get a "Thank You" call from a seed site?


Well-Known Member
Greetings to all! I'm not sure I'm posting this in the right place or not so please forgive me if I am. I've been ordering seeds online for a number of years and I use my ex-wife's credit card, (with her permission. She gets 1/3 of my harvests). I just got a call from her telling me that some dude with a British sounding accent, called her yesterday. He told her that I do a lot of ordering with them and they wanted to send me a Xmas gift. She gave him my phone # but I've not gotten a call from him. Has this happened to any of you in the last couple of days? If this thing is legitimate, I would love to get a gift!!! Most of my orders this year have been through the Attitude. Just curious if any one else has had the same kind of phone call. Thanks and Peace :peace: :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
hmmm ya that dose sound strange and a bit odd. to me it sounds like a red flag. what site are you ordering from?


Well-Known Member
A red flag.......that's what I thought right from the start. I mean, they've got my email addy. Why not just send me an email? I've placed orders with Nirvana, Dr. Chronic, and The Attitude. I also ordered some seeds from Gypsy Nirvana but never got the Customs letter or the seeds. I've gotten the customs letter twice with Nirvana orders, and once with the Doc. But The Attitude is the only place I've ordered from this year, (ordered 5 times with them), and I've gotten every one of my orders with no problems. I wondered if Customs or Homeland Security starts a file on people who have their seeds confiscated. But I took my kids to Amsterdam for a week in March and all went well. I still think some governmental agency opens a file on those of us who live in the US.

Active Member
:shock: what!!! why didnt they just do it by email???? sounds f**ked up....was it your landline that your ex missuz gave?? whats the deal with the customs letters??


Well-Known Member
I would freak the hell out if a seed bank called my home.....I don't think that is normal at all. Most seed banks strive on keeping your privacy....they know that it is not allowed in the US....
Yeah I would wonder about that one...

good luck

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Sounds extremely suspicious. :shock: I got an email one time, but the site was wanting me to vouch for them.

Why do you use so many seeds? I would start cloning to cut down on your exposure to stuff like this. :-|


Well-Known Member
Definite red flag.

A lot of folks out here order from Attitude...since that is the only seedbank you have used this year I would think if it were legit it would be them...Wait and see if anyone else that uses them responds to this with the same....


Well-Known Member
:shock: what!!! why didnt they just do it by email???? sounds f**ked up....was it your landline that your ex missuz gave?? whats the deal with the customs letters??

No. She gave him my cell phone number. Very few people have my land line #, and she knows not to give that one out to anybody. And I wondered the same thing. Why not just send me an email?? I'm not freaking But my curiosity has been aroused.


Well-Known Member
No. She gave him my cell phone number. Very few people have my land line #, and she knows not to give that one out to anybody. And I wondered the same thing. Why not just send me an email?? I'm not freaking But my curiosity has been aroused.
If anything comes of this please update this thread. You have my curiosity peaked.


Well-Known Member
When you order seeds online, and you live in the US, there's always a chance that Customs will open your package. If they finds seeds, they confiscate them. Then they forward on the original package to you, including a standard, or formatted letter stating that they found "contraband" , (your seeds), and that they removed them.


Well-Known Member
When you order seeds online, and you live in the US, there's always a chance that Customs will open your package. If they finds seeds, they confiscate them. Then they forward on the original package to you, including a standard, or formatted letter stating that they found "contraband" , (your seeds), and that they removed them.
I've had several shipments get stopped by customs. They never sent me the package they always send me a letter saying I have 3 choices (each of them suck) and they basically tell you that if you don't respond within 30 days they will just throw the seeds away. I have never responded, I took the loss and moved on....


Well-Known Member
Sounds extremely suspicious. :shock: I got an email one time, but the site was wanting me to vouch for them.

Why do you use so many seeds? I would start cloning to cut down on your exposure to stuff like this. :-|

Good question! I grow indoors and always have some vegging and some flowering and I like to try different strains. The other big reason is that I have some chicken shit buddies who are too fearful of ordering themselves. Plus, the Attitude often has "specials". The most recent was pay for the shipping and you got some free G13 Power Skunk seeds.

As to the cloning question.....I just recently finished up my most successful grow, and am feeling much more confident in my abilities. I just started reading about cloning. I've been smoking for well over 30 years and always bought from my "guy" . So a little over 4 years ago, I decided to try to grow my own. I started out with one bag seed grown outdoors. Luckily it was a female and it was better than the stuff it came from. Then I got divorced and now I'm in an apartment. So long story short....It's time to educate myself in the art of cloning!