Anybody more experienced recognize this pretty readily?


This is a Nirvana Blackjack outdoor plant. Germinated 4/22, vegged indoors to about 10" @20/4 light cycle. Moved outside very healthy about 14 days ago. This is within about 3 feet of where I had a tremendously successful Bubblicious plant tended to harvest last year. I think I only fed it once or twice after move to outside with FoxFarm Grow Big 3-2-6. When I saw the problem developing about five or six days ago, I flushed. But it's continuing, if not getting worse. The plant is more stretched than I would like cause it's in a natural area near house that is kind of grown up with saplings & other brush so it has reached for more sunlight. But it does have its own area cleared around base of plant.

Hope pics are good enough. Leaves are both yellowing as well as getting dark, almost purple areas that become almost translucent. There is some curling up on the sides.

Any help from wiser folks than I???

Thanks so much.



Well-Known Member
It was the relocation that caused it, either it doesn't like the outdoor or maybe a fungal issue.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it has a disease to me. Possibly something like Black Spot disease which is like a fungal disease. Best bet is to remove the damaged leaves, clear the area around the plant as best you can. I am sure you can get a fungal spray of some sort as well.

Good luck,



Thanks so much. Per your suggestion, I just researched Black Spot Disease and it fits perfectly. Within a couple days of transplanting outside, we had a soaking day & a half rain. I have a rain gauge that showed almost two inches. Everything stay soaked for the better part of a week. That, along with the plant's area not getting complete, full sun all day seems to be the perfect recipe for Black Spot. Trimming worst leaves and treating with fungicide TODAY. I'll post more pics in a week. Thanks Mr. Ganga
Let us know how it goes, I to am doing an outdoor this year and just had some crazy rain for 3 days. I have it in an area that get's the most sunlight in my yard (probably 10hrs). Hoping it will help to dry out the soil a little. Been keeping my eye open for anything as a few of the top leaves turned a little yellow. Just brought them out 10 days or so ago so that could be it as well.