i got gta 5 was thinking of geting bf1 is it goodi love both of thease games, anybody else on simimailar both, yes I'm addicted to them.
i got gta 5 was thinking of geting bf1 is it good
Lol i go alright unless peaple ar sniping that gos for both games in gta iwas pretty good in jet deatmatch undafeated lol i think cuse i dont spend every second playing anymore thoYh battle field is great multiplayer fighter game. I play gta just for car meets and customer using cars and just bullying people online lol
ye im more of a battle field guy havent played since hardline its wierd tho i suck at it cuse theres more strategy invovled i got crash bandicoot a few weeks ago im up 2 the 3rd boss i got stuck on so many levels for like five hours how i dident rage quit ill never know lol i just got a new game called elite dangerous i cant play it untill i get ps plus it looks pretty sick tho its like a space mmoI watch my son play Battlefield One online. It's a pretty awesome game
lol yea its allways funny when its some one else lolI've saw my son rage quit a few games especially in COD Black Ops 3 Zombies. Lol funny
ye im more of a battle field guy havent played since hardline its wierd tho i suck at it cuse theres more strategy invovled i got crash bandicoot a few weeks ago im up 2 the 3rd boss i got stuck on so many levels for like five hours how i dident rage quit ill never know lol i just got a new game called elite dangerous i cant play it untill i get ps plus it looks pretty sick tho its like a space mmo
daam im sure u where good dude i tell u what tho i cant wait 2 get ps vr when the prics drops and theres more gamesAfter what seemed to be a 2hr update, Battlefield 1 is new, I couldn’t find the original.
Now you’ll never know how great I was.