anybody using these led lights ?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I have used them successfully as well. For 3 weeks of veg including seed, my two plants got to 4 feet and yielded 2.5-3 ounces. I actually even cut the one down a week or two too soon, so it probably would have been more. Pretty good for the money. If you can't afford COBs and you want to get a panel, I'd recommend it over all the others. It's worth its pricing, probably worth more, depending on what you value.

I'd keep them 12-14" from the canopy until they reach maturity. I've had them within 3" in mid-to-late flower with no issues, but younger plants won't handle it being that close.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
This is one of my current plants under one 450 about a month ago. Strain is Heavyweight Lemon Cake.

IMG_2493.JPG IMG_2491.JPG

This one was one of the two I veg'd three weeks and cropped too early:
