Anyoine please help with indoor plant problem.


My friend is growing just one plant. Its under one 150 watt hps light fixture in a growbox. The light is approximately 15 inches from the plant. The temperature stays around 84-85 degrees. Soil is Sta-Green which contains:nitrogen,phosphate,potash,,potassium,canadian peat moss, and perlite. Has proper ventilation and a fan flowing fresh air over and towards the plant. He waters every 2-3 days when the soil is real crusty, how much water should he pur into it?

The plant is exactly 20 days old, its approximately 5 inches tall with 25 visible leaves, Is this good or bad?

The problem is , maybe 3 of the leaves has very small yellowish spots on the outter tips of the leaves, and the other leaves look a pretty green healthy color. What could be the cause of this?


Well-Known Member

Hey Imsohigh, welcome to RUI!

"small yellowish spots on the outter tips of the leaves"

It sounds like mild nutrient burn. Does it look like this, maybe all the tips?:


If it doesn't look like that could you post a picture. The tight nodes could be the strain, Big Laughing gives me 4 nodes to the inch - 25 leaves or 25 nodes on your plant?


"Has proper ventilation and a fan flowing fresh air over and towards the plant."

Change your ventilation so the air comes from under the leaves, so fresh CO2 is fed to the stoma. It's best to draw the air out of the top of your cage/room and a passive draw of fresh air from underneath, rather than blowing it from below. Check out Air Floor on the first page of the Grow Lab link at the bottom of this post.



Well-Known Member

No worries then, just give it clear PH adjusted water for the next two waterings to clean out the root ball a bit. You'll see some more damage as the nutrients in the soil are absorbed, nothing to worry about. You could flush the pot if you have been feeding heavy or don't adjust your ph after adding nutrients to your water.

Do you ph adjust your water?



I give it pure water , i dont ad no nutes at al ..
im usen' infa-green ..
has like nitrogen , potassium, phosphate , peat moss , sterlite in it


Well-Known Member

The pre fertilized soil is your problem imsohigh, it always burns seedlings. It'll probably get worse, flushing won't help much because the fertilizers are time released.

If the burning gets very bad you might consider breaking the root ball and transplanting into Pro Mix or some other non fertilized peat mix. If the burning doesn't get too bad then just leave it. With 25 leaves the seedling is a plant, it should be OK.

You should PH adjust your clear water to 6.3 - 6.8 to avoid nutrient lock out and other problems.



yeah ..the plant is exactly 20 days old today ... about 5-5.5 inches tall ... 25-28 good visible leaves really .. all the leaves look really healthy , its just like 2 leaves that have barely a few lil yellow spottish on it .. overall i fixed my watering on it , i think it will be alrigth now?