Anyone else have to neglect their family because of their hobby this year?

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Well-Known Member
My family decided to neglect itself for unknown borderline retarded reasons.

I don't see how certain "weed" hobbies can restrict you from seeing family... water the plants or tell your customers to wait a day. Eat a brownie and enjoy dinner. How's that so hard?


Well-Known Member
My family decided to neglect itself for unknown borderline retarded reasons.

I don't see how certain "weed" hobbies can restrict you from seeing family... water the plants or tell your customers to wait a day. Eat a brownie and enjoy dinner. How's that so hard?
I have my own reasons to not abandon my grow. Even if for one night. That'll do.


Well-Known Member
Yah i would agree with Benassi here, I mean i smoke year round and i can water my babies and then go have some Turkey!

Gotta love the family, but maybe you have special circumstances that prevent you. Either way if you cant get out to see them make sure you Skype or call them up i bet they would really appreciate it


Well-Known Member
i didn't go back home on christmas either....

not bc of any grow.. i went in thanksgiving and i got enough family time..... i got back like 3 weeks ago....

i'll go back the week of good friday or something...


Well-Known Member
You expectin Johnny law to come knockin on your door or something? Why would you neglect your family during Christmas for some plants that require 3 minutes a day per plant to keep happy? I mean, you started the thread, you gonna at least tell us why you have to stay with your grow?


Well-Known Member
You expectin Johnny law to come knockin on your door or something? Why would you neglect your family during Christmas for some plants that require 3 minutes a day per plant to keep happy? I mean, you started the thread, you gonna at least tell us why you have to stay with your grow?
I already commented on my situation. This thread was made for others who are in a similar position. Sort of like a census. I dont know why youre mad, though.


Well-Known Member
Mr Bagseed, I'm sure you have your reasons. I don't know what they are, but I can imagine needing to keep watch.

After a lot of time and effort and blood, sweat and tears, the last thing you'd want is to get ripped-off at Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Use your imagination.
hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ......i imagine, .........

you are young and thinks it's cool to miss christmas with the family to hang with a plant. "braggin' rights" for tomorrow, so to speak.

a plant can EASILY be replaced. families can't.


Well-Known Member
If my plants prevented me from spending Christmas with my family, I'd give them away or just let them die.


Well-Known Member
hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ......i imagine, .........

you are young and thinks it's cool to miss christmas with the family to hang with a plant. "braggin' rights" for tomorrow, so to speak.

a plant can EASILY be replaced. families can't.
Blah..youre right. Im just staying home so i can hang with my plants. You win.

Now back to the thread, anyone else missing christmas this year?


Well-Known Member
one of my cousins passed away in a tractor accident earlier this year and i didn't go to his funeral because it would of been a 3 or 4 day trip to get there and back and the ph was fluctuating and close to harvest. i'm sure he understood but i want to get an automatic ph adjuster just for these reasons.
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