anyone else think the xbox kinect is lame?


Well-Known Member
they just took the wii technology to the next step. i want a controller dammit! i dont want to exercise while im playing games. and what if my gf is sleeping in the bed next to me? you really expect me to move around that much?

i think its much easier to move a thumbstick to the right instead of raising your whole arm and moving it to the right. they both do the same action... i just dont see the point

theyre showing how you can talk through the menus. so now you have to memorize all these commands and say it in the right way. why cant i just press a button?! lol
That's where the hacking comes in.


Someone has even made cod4 playable with the kinect. They use a wii gun to hold onto. This tech is just getting started.
Yeah other people are making better use out of the kinect technology than Microsoft is.

I just read a story couple days ago somebody used kinect technology to make a shopping cart follow behind someone around in a wheelchair in a store. May sound kind of lame, unless you are chair-bound. There's more too.

I have one, never use it.
I also have one and never use it....but my kids like it...keeps them entertained for a good 30 to 45 min.
i 100% love that the kinect is being used for other purposes. like that 3d stuff or having a cart follow a wheelchair bound person. but for gaming, i think its going to end up like the wii... pretty much just for kids
just you wait...

Till theres something better to buy :D

Whens the next $$$ handed out for Kinect 2?

Oh yea yea its getting better, how better? Its bound to be owned by a controller, tell me when it can beat that and I`ll tell ya I can ubb4r zPwN with a keyboard+mouse :D

Also tell me when moving around infront of a camera beats real life activities! Same situation for Wii, c`mon, playing tennis with a stupid controller and watching it on TV screen equated to playing real life tennis and seeing it with your own eyes? Same goes for Kinect!

My opinion, just buy it when its actually good or by all means, feed the development and I`ll buy it when its worthwhile :D