Anyone ever grown Big Band? Drooping problem


I'm currently growing Big Band from Kannabia and although its healthy, I've been having a problem with droopy leaves. Early in its veg cycle I only had a 600w HPS for light that had it looking all droopy and sad. Then I made some upgrades and put it under a more appropriate 125w CFL for the rest of veg and it perked up and looked happy. However, when I moved it back under the 600w HPS to flower it got sad again. I have two fans in the grow closet and I keep the closet door open for more air to circulate. On top of that I turned the air down in the room to about 70 degrees. It's colder than a witches tit in my grow room but the plant still droops! I read some breeder information that said it should be kept no warmer than about 80 degrees and 55% humidity. I know HPS lamps are hot so I moved the light further away and its still sad! I know it can't possibly be that hot in there and I have no way to measure the humidity levels but I don't think its that humid either.

Can somebody please help me out here. This is only my third grow and I've done everything right so far. Should I just let it grow sad? Move it back under the CFL? My light just went off so I can post pics tomorrow if needed. Thanks in advance!